Will Netflix Retain its Dominant Position?

Netflix is a streaming platform founded in 1997. Netflix has been on the rise in popularity ever since its inception, just like gry hazardowe game. It Slowly, it has climbed the streaming rankings over the past year, and Spectrum home internet makes it easy to adapt and stream without interruptions. In recent years, however, the streaming company’s popularity has exploded. Today, the streaming mogul is one of the leading players in the streaming world.

However, with competition from several platforms like Disney+, HBO Max, AppleTV+, and Amazon Prime, and the recent world economic events, people are wondering: will the streaming giant be able to keep up with these fierce rivals? Throughout history, we have seen companies so big that no one thinks they may one day disappear off of the face of earth. We have also seen companies no one has even heard of them suddenly emerge and become so popular.

In the world of business, especially when we are talking about a company as popular as Netflix, it is not easy to predict where it is heading. In the case of Netflix, opinions are split in two. There are those who bet on the fall of the platform; they have their own plausible reasons. Then, there are others who believe the streaming platform will be leading the streaming industry forever.

Why Will the Platform Fall? 

People who bet on the fall of the streaming platform base their judgment on three arguments. The first is that, in recent years, we have seen popular movies leave the platform. Masterpieces like “Bloodline”, “Marco Polo”, and “Sense 8” were all removed from Netflix.

Another reason is the recent pricing scheme they have introduced. The company increased the basic plan by a dollar, and the premium one by two dollars. This puts the platform in direct competition with platforms that outrank it in terms of price. The third and last reason is the recent pandemic that delayed the platform’s release schedule, and had many of its shows on hold.

Why is Netflix Here to Stay?  

While the arguments given above are plausible and do make sense, people who think the platform is here to stay also do have their own reasons for thinking so; they too make perfect sense. According to these people, the platform is not going anywhere because of the three reasons.  

Just like fans of the shows mentioned above are leaving the platform in solidarity with their favorite actors, with its new releases, the platform will draw newer fans. Netflix is releasing the second part of the fourth season of “The Ozark ”, the second season of the “Russian Doll” and the fourth season of “The Circle ”.  

When it comes to pricing, the increase, according to the platform’s supporters, especially given the quality of the content the platform presents and the recent high inflation rate, is reasonable. The last reason people believe Netflix will stay in its dominant position is its popularity among the young. Ask any teenage boy or girl and they will confirm that watching Netflix shows is part of their daily routine. So, unless its rivals come up with something really out of the ordinary, the Netflix red icon will stay in the minds of fans forever.

While both sides have plausible reasons to trust their judgment, in the world of business, nothing is sure. The next couple of years only will show who’s right and who’s got it wrong. In the meantime, Netflix still dominates the streaming rankings.